SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

A Campaign to Underscore Risk of War Coverage

A Campaign to Underscore Risk of War Coverage
© Press Freedom Map
Genre : Divers
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Média

Friends of journalists who have died covering the violent Arab Spring uprisings are trying to put their grief to good use. They are putting together an online campaign called "A Day Without News?" to persuade the public to pay attention to the sacrifices journalists make.

They've received help from organizations like the Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Without Borders. But this initiative, they say, is more personal. It was inspired after a United Nations exhibition on press freedom last August, when an executive from Getty Images was talking with media industry friends. "I suggested that we try and create a campaign using the groundswell of emotion and anger at the recent losses," said the executive, Aidan Sullivan, a vice president of photo assignments at Getty, who subsequently led the effort (...)

[Lire la suite de l'article de Bran Stelter publié par le New York Times]

[The Press Freedom Map]


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