SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle


  • 33
Genre : Portrait
Type : Documentaire
Titre original :
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv
Année de réalisation : 2003

Kiko Goifman celebrated his 33rd birthday in 2003 and decided to find his biological mother for this occasion in 33 days. Goifman wants his film to brake Brazilian taboos. However, it is not about provocation or vulgarity, the point is to make adoption visible and acceptable in the director's own country, Brazil.

- Adoption is still a taboo in Brazil. I was adopted myself and I wanted people to be able to talk about adoption more openly, says Goifman.

33 is Goifman's only film where you can hear his voice and see his face. Normally he doesn't want to be the narrator or seen in any film more than is necessary.

- The finished documentary also shows my entire team and their voices and visions, even though our goal was to be completely objective. In the end I am always sort of inside the film I am making. That is why I don't want to be seen or heard in the documentaries any more than I have to, Goifman explains.

With 33 Goifman makes an exception. He is filmed for 33 days as he is trying to find his biological mother. According to him, the most enjoyable aspect of making this documentary was meeting new people and hiring a private detective to help in the search. On the other hand, at times it was difficult to deal with a subject that was so close and personal to him.

- Sometimes it was really difficult to build a documentary around such an intimate theme, Goifman admits.

Goifman refuses to divulge whether he found his mother or not.

feature length documentary, 35mm. 2003.
Supported by Hubert Bals Fund -

selected for Locarno Festival (video competition), Rotterdam
Festival/2003 (about "True Stories"), Marseille Festival and NoirFest in Italy.


  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

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