SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Call for bids to host the second creative economy conference 2012

Arterial Network, invites bids from member organizations based in its four regions (Central Africa, West Africa, North Africa and Southern Africa) to host the 2nd Creative Economy Conference to be held 14 -16 November 2012. As per Arterial Network's policy, all events are to be held on rotation. For this reason, countries in East Africa are not eligible to apply since the first edition of the African Creative Economy Conference 2011 was held in East Africa, Kenya.

The conference will coincide with the Arterial Network General Council meeting. It is expected that the two events combined will attract between 150 and 200 international delegates including Arterial Network Chapter members, funders and creative economy experts. Hosting the event will provide an international spotlight and networking platforms to the host organization and country.

The selected organization, if successful, should be legally and financially able to be contracted by Arterial Network to host the conference and establish a Planning Committee. The contracted organization will be responsible for all local arrangements, including programming, venue selection, catering, promotion and marketing, social events, conference documentation and reporting, soliciting and selecting exhibitors, assisting speakers and delegates with visa or travel questions.

This bid document will guide the secretariat in selecting the host county and should be completed by all organisations with an intention to host the 2nd African Creative Economy Conference 2012.

Criteria that will be used to select the country and host organisation include the following:

- Infrastructure: host venue, catering, accommodation of reasonable quality and in close proximity to each other
- Professional translation facilities (minimally English/French)
- Ease of travel to and within the country including visa process, airport standards, airline travel to the country
- Safety and security within the country
- Capacity and experience of host organisation to coordinate the logistical arrangements
- Cost
- Preference will be given to countries/cities that may contribute to towards the hosting of the event

The 2012 conference program will be posted on the Arterial Network website Soon.

Download the application form HERE

Download the 2011 conference presentations HERE

Deadline for submission of bids: 1st August 2012.

Please send submissions to espera@arterialnetwork.org

Incomplete applications will not be processed.


1 fiches


  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

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