SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

AFCA for Arts and Culture

27, rue Youssef El Kadi, El Merghany-Héliopolis
Le Caire
Tel. : 002 02 2415 65 | 002 0122 467 34 35
Contact by email

AFCA is an Independent Organization under the name "AFCA for Arts and culture." Its mission is to work with children and teens in English and Arabic as well as the French language; always maintaining the same concept of "Education through Art". AFCA presents cultural and artistic workshops, events and festivals by using creative artistic tools for the development and progress of personal skills.

According to the AFCA strategic plan for the next 5 years, one of the significant missions is to increase the role of youth in society and provide them freedom of speech and expression to participate in a vital way through a number of different art and cultural projects while simultaneously exploring their talents and natural artistry.

Two main projects: "Education by arts" (arts workshops in different forms) and a multidisciplinary cultural program (festival and events).

Education by Arts

- Artistic Clubs: AFCA offers six artistic clubs throughout the year during the school vacation (Halloween, Christmas, midyear, winter, Easter and Summer) where different art classes are held for Children through performing arts, visual arts, cinema, cooking and gardening all supervised by professionals at AFCA premises.

- AFCA Studios: Art workshops presented every week in a certain art category which then extend into a professional curriculum for the entire year involving music, singing, acting, dancing, and visual arts (painting, drawing and sculpting) at AFCA premises. The studios culminate in a big performance and an exhibition during Hakawy International Arts Festival.

- Trips in AFCA: Different schools & nurseries in cooperation with AFCA implement AFCA programs into their artistic curriculums. They use AFCA as a pedagogical trip program, which lasts for one day and occurs on AFCA's premises.

- AFCA in schools: Instead of having schools make a trip to AFCA, the team of teaching artists goes to the schools and works with the students there. The program can be after school activities or among the school schedule.

AFCA cultural program

- Hakawy International Arts Festival for Children: It is a yearly international Arts Festival occurring usually in the last week of March(The 2nd edition will occur from the 22nd to 28th of march 2012), presenting performances focusing on storytelling, Theatre, Dance, Music and workshops.
The Workshops include Drama, Visual Art, Cooking, and Creative writing targeting children from all society levels from 4 to 12 years and their parents, teachers, tutors and the public.
During the festival there are sessions to develop training for teachers, Artists and child care workers through the arts and presentations for parents to talk with experts in order to develop parenting skills.
The festival usually hosts shows from Egypt and several countries worldwide to enrich the society through different perspectives and backgrounds.

- Teens Music Festival: AFCA is working on making the first Music festival for teens by giving them the opportunity to show their musical talents and giving them preparatory workshops to gain experience from the professional artists working with AFCA (Targeted age is from 15 to 20).

- AFCA professional Shows and performances: AFCA puts on artistic and music shows as well as musicals, storytelling and plays for children in many venues in Egypt, producing the whole show by professional artists who work with AFCA in choosing unique themes in Arabic, French and English languages.

- Outdoor Artistic Corner: AFCA team is participating in the outdoor artistic carnivals, which is taking place all over the year. The carnivals include creative artistic activities, which support and add value to AFCA's mission.


  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

With the support of