SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Vinciane Mokry

Vinciane Mokry
© Aloha Entertainment
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

French Scriptwriter.

When Vinciane was eight years old, she vowed to work in the movie business when she'd grow up. To do what? At that time, she didn't know and didn't really mind. Since she loved to play, she thought she could be an actress, but being behind the camera was fun too. So, she tried anything she could to get closer to her goal: she went to any acting classes she could find, looked for any casting ads in the southeast region of France and joined the Video Production club at her middle school.

She worked on the set of a short film when she was fourteen and, impressed by the experience, tried her hands at screenwriting. Inspiration striked and there she was, filling notebooks with lots of twisted drama and colorful characters.

Freshly out of high school, Vinciane went to Paris to pursue her cinema studies. She first validated a bachelor in audiovisual communication, which allowed her to direct a short film and to join the shooting of another, Enfances Perdues (Lost Childhood). Then, she noticed that directing didn't appeal to her that much, but, now more than never, writing did. While adding to her curriculum a bachelor and a master in Performing Arts, she wrote her first series bible, Over the Rainbow, with a co-writer Carole Milleliri, and then, still with Carole, wrote the script of a romantic comedy, Cephyse.

These screenplays allowed her to join a professional master in screenwriting. In September 2010, she graduated magna cum laude, her screenplay La Forêt de papier (The Paper Forest) being awarded a special prize.

Since then, she divides her time between writing new screenplays and synopsis, and prospecting for finished projects. Currently, she has written 4 series bibles with two different co-writers, a web series, and has 4 short films at various stages of development, some with Aloha Entertainment, including King Cake.



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  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

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