SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Iota Production

Genre : Production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Bureau à Bruxelles : avenue Van Goidtsnoven 45B - 1180 Bruxelles rue de l'Abbaye, 47 bte 12
Tel. : + 32 (0)2 344 65 31 | + 32 (0)4 376 76 69
Fax : + 32 (0)2 346 63 04
Contact by email

Who we are

Iota Production has been producing films since March 2000. The company works on its own productions and on co-productions, also working as an executive producer. Since the beginning, particular attention has been given to documentaries and the company is also progressively positioning itself in fiction and animation.

The team

The team consist of Isabelle Truc (producer), Olivier Abrassart (head of production and post-production, Jennifer Lavallé (production assistant) and Maggy Souris (production administration). We call on numerous freelancers when necessary.

Isabelle chooses the projects, develops them closely with the directors, finds the financing and writes the contracts. She then follows the production through each step until they are released and live their lives. The list of tasks she has to undertake is long, dispelling the myth of the cigar-chewing producer with bags of cash.

Maggy handles the accounting and administration. Thanks to her, the company and individual films' accounts are updated daily. What's more, she helps put files together, handles the train and hotel reservations and many other vital tasks.

Olivier joined us in early 2006. He is an accomplished director of production that throws himself whole-heartedly into the field to organise the shooting and handle the post-production.

Jennifer assists Isabelle as a production assistant and manages the post-production. She manages the equipment (HDV Z1 camera, lighting sound), supervises the editing suite (Final Cut Pro) and manages the site.


  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

With the support of