SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Meet Weya, a budding teenage musician

Genre : Society news
Principal country concerned : Column : Music
Release/publication date : December 2015
Published on : 12/03/2015
Source : http://www.newtimes.co.rw/section/article/2015-03-12/186811/

Weya says she was grateful for the opportunity to perform at the Comedy Nights show, held at Kigali Serena hotel, on Feb 28.
The most captivating quality of upcoming musician Weya Viatora is not how she juggles her studies with singing or the fact that her tunes are influenced by a variety of musical styles. But rather, it is her distinct vocal delivery coupled with her ability to communicate passionately through poetic lyrics. 
"I started singing when I was just a little kid and only did it at home before my parents to make them happy and at the church in the school choir-little did I know that one day I would be going to the studios and, also have my songs played on radios," says Weya.
 "Empty House was supposed to be a romantic song, but in the course of writing its lyrics, I realised that it can be a life inspiring song," says Weya.


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