SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Wara
Genre : Drama
Type : TV series
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2020
Format : Feature
Running time : 360 (in minutes)

After years of exile, Moutari Wara is allowed to return to his hometown on one condition: not to engage in politics. But as early municipal elections are being prepared, Aïcha, one of his law students, is going to push him to make a personal commitment against corruption and clientelism.

Visible on www.tv5mondeplus.com :

"Wara, it's the lion's cry! So it is a message of hope. We hope that our characters, and in particular the young people, will open a new way to imagine the world of tomorrow. Let them seize power, to make it happen!"
Charli Beleteau - Creator of the series.

This series is the result of an unprecedented co-production between three production companies, French, Senegalese and Nigerien, accompanied since its launch by TV5MONDE as exclusive broadcaster and co-producer. The first contemporary political fresco in French-speaking Africa, development has been accompanied by formative research led by the NGO RAES and financed by AFD, OIF, CFI and CNC.

Technical sheet:
Fiction 8x45''.
Genre: Political Thriller
A series developed by Charli Beleteau
Based on an original idea by Magagi Issoufou Sani
Director: Toumani Sangaré and Oumar Diack (France/Senegal/Niger, 2020)
Co-production Astharté et Compagnie, RAES Production, MJP Production, TV5MONDE
Broadcasting: TV5MONDE

A real political thriller, this series of 8 episodes of 45 minutes was directed by Toumani Sangaré and Oumar Diack between Dakar and St Louis in Senegal. Against the backdrop of local elections and democratic hopes, the series is a societal mirror oscillating between security issues, environmental responsibility, political commitment of young people, the status of women and support for marginalised populations.

*Selected for the FESPACO 2021

Summary for official catalogues

Véritable thriller politique, cette série de 8 épisodes de 45 minutes a été réalisée par Toumani Sangaré et Oumar Diack entre Dakar et St Louis au Sénégal. Sur fond d'élections locales et d'espoirs démocratiques, la série est un miroir sociétal oscillant entre enjeux sécuritaires, responsabilité environnementale ou encore engagement politique des jeunes, condition des femmes et soutien aux populations marginalisées.


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  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

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