SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Victory of Youth

  • Victory of Youth
Genre : Musical
Type : Fiction
Original title : Victoire de la jeunesse (La) | انتصار الشباب | Intisar el-chabab
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1941
Format : Feature
Running time : 125 (in minutes)

A musician and his sister (a singer) arrive from Lebanon to begin an artistic career in Cairo…

A musician and his sister singer arrive from Lebanon to start an artistic career in Cairo. They find work in a nightclub. But they are fired because the singer refuses to entertain the customers. She falls in love with a rich young man but the mother refuses their marriage. For his part, his brother began a career as a singer in cinema…

The young composer Wahid is struggling with his sister, singer Nadia, to make a living. Nadia falls in love with wealthy Mohy, but his mother opposes while Wahid also loves a wealthy girl and agrees with her brother to marry her.

estrelado / starring / avec :
Asmahan, Farid Al Atrash, Besharh Wakiem, Elyaeh Gamil, Anwer Wagdi

um filme de / a film by / un film de

Egypte | 1941 | Long métrage Fiction | 2h05, Drama, Arabic

PG15 (Requires Parental Guidance)

NOTE BY THE PROGRAMMER (3rd Red Sea International Film Festival, Djeddah 2023)
An instant success when it was first shown, largely thanks to the promised thrill of seeing star sibling singers Farid Al Astrash and Asmahan in the same movie, the film is now considered one of the most important musicals in the history of the Arab cinema.
Al Astrash, who wrote the film's glorious soundtrack, also stars as young musician Waheed; his real-life sister Asmahan plays Waheed's sister Nadia, a captivating singer. Together, they leave their home in the Levant to chase their dream of stage success, finding work in an Egyptian casino and in the movies, cutting a record and, of course, falling in love with admirers.
A truly golden oldie, recently restored with the support of the Red Sea Film Festival Foundation.
This film is now considered one of the most important musical films in the history of Arab cinema, as it brings together, for the first time on the big screen, Farid Al-Atrash and his sister Asmahan.

Título / Original title / Titre Original : انتصار الشباب / Intisar al-chabab
Título Internacional (en Inglês) / International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : VICTORY OF YOUTH
Título (França / Bélgica) / Title (France / Belgium) / Titre (France, Belgique) : La Victoire de la jeunesse
Outro título (em árabe) / Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) : انتصار الشباب / Intisar el-chabab
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 125' (2h 05 minutes, 02:05:00) / 135' (Institut du monde arabe, Paris, 17 juillet 2021)
Tipo / Type / Type : Longa-metragem de ficção / Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre : Drama / Drama / Drame
Year: 1941
Language: Arabic
Country: Egypt

Farid Al Atrash (Farid el-Atrache).....................Waheed (Wahid)
Anwer Wagdi (Anwar Wagdi).............................. Muhyi
Besharh Wakiem (Bechara Wakim / Bishara Wakim)................... Bechara
Elyaeh Gamil (Alwiya Gamil)................................................... Bahia Hanim
Samia Gamal...................................................
Abdel Salam el-Naboulsi (Abdel Salam Al Nabulsy)..................................... Fawzi
Mary Mounib (Marie Munib).................................................... Umm Ismail
Stephan Rosti........................................................... Taha Taha
Hassan Fayek.......................................................... Lawz
Fouad Shafik........................................................... Jawz
Hassan Kamel........................................................... Bunduq
Abdel Fatah Al Kasri...........................................................
Thurayya Fakhry...........................................................
Mahmoud Ismail...........................................................
Abd Al Azim Kamel...........................................................
Latifa Amin...........................................................

Gabriel Telhemi (Les Films du Nil)


Guionista / Screenwriter / Scénariste :
Ahmed Badrakhan (d'après une idée de Omar Guameï)

Dialog / Dialogues :
Badie Khaïri

Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :
François Farcache

Directores de Som / Sound Recordists (Sound Engineers) / Ingénieurs du son :

Música / Composer (Original Music) / Musique :
Farid Al Astrash (Farid el-Atrache)

Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Henri Barakat

Colorist / Etalonneur :

Production Design / Décors :
Gaafar Wali

Costumes Designer / Costumes :
Mahmoud al-Sabbaa

El Nile Films




* Arab Premiere (restored version) /// 3rd Red Sea International Film Festival (Djeddah - Saudi Arabia., 2023) | SHOWTIME: Sun 03 Dec | 7:30 PM - 9:40 PM | Hayy Jameel Cinema

* Sélection /// Exposition "Divas, d'Oum Kalthoum à Dalida" | Institut du monde arabe, Paris | 17 juillet 2021, 22h (durée du film : 135') | www.imarabe.org/fr/cinema/la-victoire-de-la-jeunesse-intisar-al-chabab

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- https://redseafilmfest.com/en/rsiff_film/victory-of-youth/
- www.imarabe.org/fr/cinema/la-victoire-de-la-jeunesse-intisar-al-chabab
- https://mubi.com/fr/fr/films/victory-of-youth
Updated by Thierno DIA, 7 Dec 2023



حقّق الفيلم نجاحًا فوريًّا عند عرضه للمرّةِ الأولى، ويرجع ذلك إلى الإثارة المتوقّعة من رؤية الأخوين النّجمين الغنائيّين: فريد الأطرش وأسمهان في الفيلم ذاته، ويعتبر هذا الفيلم الآن أحد أهمّ الأفلام الموسيقيّة في تاريخ السّينما العربيّة. يلعب "الأطرش"، الّذي ألف الموسيقى التّصويريّة الرّائعة للفيلم، دور الموسيقيّ الشّابّ "وحيد"، وتلعب شقيقته في الحياة الواقعيّة "أسمهان" دور شقيقة "وحيد"، المغنّية الآسرة "نادية". يغادران معًا منزلهما في المشرق العربيّ لتحقيق حلمهما بالنّجاح المسرحيّ، ويجدان عملًا في كازينو مصريّ وفي الأفلام، ويصدران أسطوانة، وبالطّبع يقعان في حبّ معجبين. فيلم كلاسيكي، تمّ ترميمه مؤخّرًا بمساهمة ودعم من قبل مؤسّسة مهرجان البحر الأحمر السّينمائيّ.

انتصار الشباب / Intisar al-chabab

عتبر هذا الفيلم الآن أحد أهمّ الأفلام الموسيقيّة في تاريخ السّينما العربيّة حيث جمع ولاول مرة على الشاشة الكبيرة فريد الاطرش واخته اسمهان

دراما | مدة العرض: 125 دقيقة

1941 / العربية

بلد الانتاج:مصر
إخراج: أحمد بدرخان

العرض الأول في العالم العربي

يتطلّب توجيه الوالدين

أحمد بدرخان

النيل للأفلام

بديع خيري

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- https://redseafilmfest.com/ar/rsiff_film/victory-of-youth/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 7 Dec 2023


2 files


  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

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