SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fam (The)

  • Mif (La)
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2021
Format : Feature
Running time : 112 (in minutes)

Who are you?" - "The queen of punks, in the land of pain in the ass."

Seven girls live under the same roof but haven't chosen each other, just like a family. Emerging from difficult backgrounds, here in the safe house, the girls find a new community, in a way they'd never experienced before. They are sharing joy and pain, passionately rebel against the shortcomings of their surrounding - the young women's temperaments are different, their lust for life large, their place in society too precarious for things to be all peace, love and harmony. Home director Lora is always there for them when­­­­­ they need her. Or is it the other way around? La Mif was created in close collaboration with the young actresses, who were involved in developing their characters. Each individual fate is a shard and together they form an iridescent kaleidoscope capable of upending hierarchies. The film sensitively reveals the imperfection of the youth protection system, as well as the fragility of social structures and tenderly questions, what it might actually mean to be part of a family.

A film by Fred BAILLIF

with Claudia Grob, Anaïs Uldry, Kassia Da Costa, Joyce Esther Ndayisenga, Charlie Areddy, Amélie Tonsi, Amandine Golay, Sara Tulu, Nadim Ahmed, Isabel De Abreu Cannavo

Switzerland, 2021, fiction, 112', French / Portuguese

Written and Directed by
Fred Baillif

Joseph Areddy

Fred Baillif

Sound Design
Maxence Ciekawy

Samuel Levy

Lucy Mann

Assistant Director
Jeremy Rieder

Production Managers
Véronique Vergari, Agnes Boutruche

Fred Baillif

Executive Producer
Fred Baillif

Produced by
Genf, Switzerland
+41 787451048
freshprod.com freshprod.com

World sales
Latido Films
Madrid, Spain
+34 91 5488877


Berlinale 2021 (01-05/03/2021 online & 09-20/06/2021 (BERLIN, Germany)
* Selection: Generation 14plus


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

With the support of