SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Scenarios from the Sahel - The Warrior

  • Scénarios du Sahel - Le Guerrier
Type : Fiction
Original title : Histórias de África - O Guerreiro [Portugal]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1997
Format : Short
Running time : 3 (in minutes)

Um jovem guerreiro ouve dizer que o VIH/SIDA está a destruir o seu país. Acreditando que o VIH é um inimigo humano, o guerreiro parte à sua procura para "combatê-lo". Encontra uma linda mulher que o informa sobre a epidemia… e mostra-lhe uma forma, verdadeiramente eficaz, de a combater! realizado por Idrissa Ouédraogo de Burkina Faso baseado numa ideia original de Ami Badiane, de 14 anos, do Senegal. (2'39" = 2 minutos e 39 segundos) A young warrior who loves his country hears about the devastation being caused by AIDS. He is under the misapprehension that AIDS is a human enemy and sets off to fight "him". In the course of his search, he encounters a beautiful woman who informs him about the epidemic... and demonstrates a truly effective way of fighting it! By Idrissa Ouédraogo, Burkina Faso, based on an original idea by Amy Badiane, aged 14, from Tambacounda, Senegal - length: 2 minutes 39 seconds - date: 1997 - shot in: Burkina Faso - currently available in: French, English, Portuguese, Dioula, Wolof, Pulaar, Mooré, Fon, Twi (plus additional languages courtesy of project partners including Kiswahili, Hausa, Oshiwambo, Herero, Nama/Damara, Lozi, Rukwangali, Afrikaans, Shona; subtitled in Italian) - starts at 1:00:17 on the VHS compilation cassette View the film (high speed connection recommended) Download free RealPlayer


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  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

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