SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

My Giant Trash Can

  • Ma poubelle géante
© Unifrance
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Short
Running time : 26 (in minutes)

Back from Japan where he finished his MBA, Yazid Belkacem returns at his mother's, sure to get a good job. But from disappointment to disappointment, Yazid gets stuck in the city of its childhood, his giant trash can, snatched by a crazy family and rubbish jobs.

A film by Uda Benyamina (Houda Benyamina)

France, 2008, Fiction, 26 mins

The first short film by Uda Benyamina,
produced by her own production company 1000 Visages.
Distributed by AD ASTRA FILMS

Mounir Margoum (Yazid)
Baya Belal (Leila)
Samir Trabelsi (Youssef)
Rodolphe Saulnier (Miguel)
Laurent Zimmermann (Brahim the mad)

Director: Uda Benyamina
Executive Producer : Eiji Ieno
Screenwriter : Uda Benyamina
Director of Photography : Ricardo Aronovich
Sound Recordist : Olivier Luce
Production Manager : Uda Benyamina
Editor : Julie Dupré
Continuity supervisor : Christelle Meaux
Production Designer : Johanne Carpentier
Music Composer : S Petit Nico
Costume Designer : Michèle Marzo

2008, Short film, Fiction, Drama

Associate production company : Association 1000 Visages
Film export/Foreign Sales : Ad Astra Films

Themes : Unemployment, Psychology/psychoanalysis
Production language : French, Arabic, English, Italian
Nationality : 100% French (France)
Production year : 2008
Runtime : 26mn 57s
Visa number : 119.946
Visa issue date : 16/03/2009
Production formats : 35mm
Screening format : 35mm - Beta SP
Color type : Color
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Sound format : Dolby SR

- CINEMED (France)
- Alcine (Spain)
- Leiden International Short Film Festival (Netherlands)
- Festival du Film Français de Sacramento (USA)
- Festival international du film d'Amiens (France)
- Festival International de Contis (France)
- Cinemadamare (Italy)
- Festival Écran Libre (France)
- Festival du film social de Nador (Morocco)
- Festival du Court-Métrage Méditerranéen de Tanger (Morocco)
- Rencontres Cinématographiques de Bejaïa (Algeria)
- Festival of Nations (Austria)
- Festival du film d'Agadir (Morocco)
- Filmez Jeunesse (France)
- Cinambule (France)
- 41ème Festival International du Film de Goa (India)

-Festival Filmez Jeunesse (Nanterre - France)



Summary for official catalogues

De retour du Japon où il a achevé son MBA, Yazid Belkacem rentre chez sa mère, sûr de décrocher une bonne place. Mais de désillusion en désillusion, Yazid s'englue dans la cité de son enfance, sa poubelle géante, happé par une famille déjantée et des jobs bidons.

Réalisatrice : Uda Benyamina, 2008, France, 26min57s, Comédie dramatique


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  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

With the support of