SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

October 17, 1961

  • Nuit noire 17 octobre 1961
Genre : Drama
Type : Telefilm
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2005
Format : Feature
Running time : 120 (in minutes)

October 17, 1961 is a forgotten night, erased from French history books. While de Gaulle was preparing to negotiate the end of the Algerian war, the chief of the Paris police, Maurice Papon, ordered the arrest of more than 11,000 Algerians who had been called upon by the FNL to demonstrate peacefully against the daily abuses of the police force and the curfew to which they were subjected. The final death toll of the confrontation was several hundred protesters. The French state remained silent about what was one of the bloodiest raids in the history of France.

The feature "October 17, 1961" reveals the truth of this savagery carried out by the highest levels of French authority.

Characters and destinies cross paths in this film where everyone has an incomplete and biased view of the situation. Sabine, a television journalist, isn't particularly concerned about war. Her friend, Nathalie, is a supporter of the FLN (National Liberation Front) and tries to get Sabine to join the cause. Martin, a young cop without any political affiliation, has just returned from Algeria, where he did his military service and developed a hatred for Arabs. Tierce, a 45-year-old policeman and union member, was in the Resistance. Now he's the sergeant at the 18th arrondissement precinct, torn between his humanist convictions and professional solidarity. Tarek, a non-militant, is a night workman. His nephew, Abde, is also a workman - who takes night classes in the hope that they will affect his social status. Ali Said is an officer in the FLN who rules with an iron fist in the shanty town of Nanterre at the outskirts of Paris. "Maurice", coordinator of the French Federation of the FLN, is responsible for carrying out the orders of the federal committee. Another man, who actually existed and played a central role in the massacre of Arab demonstrators on 17 October, 1961, joins this cast of fictive characters: Maurice Papon.
All these characters live through the tragic weeks of the fall of 1961 in different circumstances and places (shanty town, precinct, newspaper office, etc.).

Clotilde Courau, Florence Thomassin, Vahina Giocante, Ouassini Embarek, Atmen Kelif

a film by Alain TASMA

2005, France, Fiction, 2h00, Drama / History

Original Title: Nuit noire, 17 octobre 1961
English Title: October 17, 1961
Year: 2005
Country: France
Duration: 1h 48mn (Release in 2005) /// 2h00 - 120' (Storia TV)
Language: French
Type: Fiction, Feature film
Genres: Drama / History
French release : 10/19/05
Shooting Locations: Paris and around.
Shooting dates: From 6 December 2004 to 18 January 2005

Clotilde Courau,
Florence Thomassin,
Vahina Giocante,
Ouassini Embarek,
Atmen Kelif,
Thierry Fortineau,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Serge Riaboukine,
Aurélien Recoing,
Brahim Aït El Kadi,
Salem Kali,
Franck Berjot,
Marie-Charlotte Salmon,
Jalil Naciri

Thomas Anargyros
Edouard de Vésinne

Alain Tasma

Patrick Rotman
François Olivier Rousseau
Alain Tasma

Associate production company:
Cipango Films

Canal +, France Télévisions, Région Ile-de-France, Fonds d'action et de soutien pour l'intégration et la lutte contre les discriminations - FASILD

French distribution:
Les Acacias (2005)
Storia TV (2010 to Nowadays)

Film export/Foreign Sales:
Bac Films

Canal +
France 3

OFFICIAL PAGE (Contact - Print Copy - Festivals)

* Best Film at the 2006 International Emmy Awards in TV Movie/MiniSeries Category
Official Selection at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival
* Jury Prize and Special Mention, Capital Focus Award, at the 2006 Washington, D.C. International Film Festival
* Trophées du Film Français 2006: Trophée Duo TV Alain Tasma/Thomas Anargyros and Edouard de Vésinne
* Grand Prix de la Critique for Best French Fiction 2005 at the French Syndicate of Cinema Critics Ceremony Awards.
* Grand Prix du Meilleur Scénario de Télévision 2005, awarded at the 2005 FIPA with the support of France

* Selection - Contemporary World Cinema /// Festival International du Film de Toronto (2005, Canada)
* Selection Long Métrage /// Chicago International Film Festival (2005, USA)
* Selection - Festival des festivals /// Festival International du Film du Caire (2005, Egypte)
* Selection /// Festival du nouveau cinéma de Montréal (2005, Canada)
* Gala Screening /// Festival international du film de Dubai (2005)
* Selection /// Festival International du Film de Münich (2006, Allemagne)
* Selection Features /// Festival international du film de Melbourne (2006, Australie)
* Panorama du cinéma mondial /// Festival international du film de Rio de Janeiro (2006, Brésil)
* Sélection officielle long-métrage /// IFFR - Festival international du film de Rotterdam (2006, Pays-Bas)
* Sélection /// Mostra - Festival international du film de São Paulo (2006, Brésil)
* Sélection /// New York - New Directors New Films (2006, USA)
* Sélection /// Sydney - Festival du film (2006, Australie)



El film muestra una serie de personajes con una visión parcial y fragmentada de la situación: Sabine, periodista de la TV poco interesada por la guerra. Nathalie, correo del FLN y amiga de Sabine, a la que intenta meter en su guerra; Martín, policía joven sin preferencias políticas pero que odia a los árabes después de haber hecho el servicio militar en Argelia. Tierce, policía y sindicalista moderado de 45 años, ex combatiente y brigadier del distrito 18, que se debate entre sus ideas humanitarias y su lealtad al cuerpo de policía.
Tarek, trabajador nocturno, sin militancia; su sobrino Abde, obrero como su tío y que hace cursos nocturnos paramedrar socialmente. Alí Said, direcivo del FLN que impone una disciplina férrea en las chabolas de Nanterre. Maurice, coordinador de la Federación Francesa del FLN y encargado de transmitir las órdenes del comité general. A estos personajes de ficción se añade uno real, figura clave en la matanza del 17 de octubre: Maurice Papon.
Cada uno vive las semanas trágicas del otoño del 61 de manera diferente y en distintos lugares (chabolas, comisaría, periódico, prefectura...)

Clotilde Courau, Florence Thomassin, Vahina Giocante, Ouassini Embarek, Atmen Kelif

una película por Alain TASMA

2005, Francia, Fiction, 2h00, drama

Título original (francès): Nuit noire, 17 octobre 1961
Título inglés: October 17, 1961
Typo: Largometraje Ficción
Genre: Drama
Idioma de rodaje : Francés
Nacionalidad : 100% francesa (Francia)
Año de producción : 2004
Estreno en Francia : 19/10/2005
Duración : 1h 48mn (2005) / 2h00 (2022)
Visa número : 111.178
Formatos de producción : 35 mm
Formato de proyección : 35 mm
Tipo de color : Color
Cuadro : 1,85
Formato de sonido : Dolby A

Clotilde Courau,
Florence Thomassin,
Vahina Giocante,
Ouassini Embarek,
Atmen Kelif,
Thierry Fortineau,
Jean-Michel Portal,
Serge Riaboukine,
Aurélien Recoing,
Brahim Aït El Kadi,
Salem Kali,
Franck Berjot,
Marie-Charlotte Salmon,
Jalil Naciri

Productores delegados : Thomas Anargyros, Édouard de Vesinne

Director : Alain Tasma

Guionista : Patrick Rotman

Director de fotografía/imágen : Roger Dorieux

Ingeniero de sonido : Bernard Borel

Autor de la música : Cyril Morin

Montadora : Marie-Sophie Dubus

Director de producción : Jean-Paul Battaggia

Asistente de dirección : Carole Golzio

Escenógrafo : Emile Ghigo

Reparto : René Tollemer

Vestuarista : Céline Guignard

Encargado de prensa (pelicula) : François Vila

Producción y distribución de la película:

Producción delegada:
Cipango Films

Exportación/Ventas internacionales:
Bac Films

Francia : Les Acacias (2005)
Francia : Storia TV (Desde 2010)
Canada (Quebec) : Les Films Séville (Estreno el 8/09/06)


  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

With the support of