SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Matoub Lounès: The Story of a Legend

  • Matoub Lounès: The Story of a Legend
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

In the Berber-speaking world, Kabyle singer Matoub Lounès is a legend. Assassinated in 1998, he was a rebel at heart. He stood up against his two enemies: the Algerian government and Islamic fundamentalists. His weapons were his eloquence, his songs and his poems. This documentary, shot in France and Algeria, will piece together interviews with those who knew Matoub and tell the life story of a musician who, throughout his 20-year career, overcame his fears and said in his songs that which it was forbidden to say.

Un film by Régine Abadia

Feature Documentary / Algeria, France, Qatar / 90 min / Original Language: Amazigh, French / Interests: Documentary

Régine Abadia

Régine Abadia

Bachir Derrais, Stéphane Jourdain

Company: Les Films de la Source

Main Contact
Bachir Derrais (Les Films de la Source)

2012 | Doha film Institute Grants
* Spring Grant 2012 - Development Stage
Current project status: Development


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

With the support of