SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Je rêve, donc j'existe

  • Je rêve, donc j'existe
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1999
Format : Short
Running time : 28 (in minutes)

Jalil is concerned about not dreaming anymore. He wants to take advantage of a business trip to see a shrink. Then he meets an alcoholic tramp who never stops dreaming...

Morocco / 1999 / Fiction / 28'00 / 35 mm

Director: Hassan Alaoui
Script: Hassan Alaoui
Camera: Frédéric Thollet, Mostafa Stitou
Sound engineer: Najib Chlih
Music: Younes Megri
Editing: Abdellatif Rais, Abdellah R'mili
Cast: Zhor Slimani, Salaheddine Benmoussa, Abderrahim Bargache Decors: Mostafa Afiri


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  • Arterial network
  • Malawi : Blantyre Arts Festival

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