SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Gitmo
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

The filmmakers' search for the truth behind GITMO leads them from the prison camp of Guantanamo Bay to Washington and from Stockholm to Abu Ghraib in Iraq. Slowly a new scary world reveals itself.

Directors: Erik Gandini, Tarik Saleh
Producer: Kristina Åberg
Screenplay: Erik Gandini, Tarik Saleh
Cinematography: Lukas Eisenhauer, Carl Nilsson
Cast: -, Mike Moss, Mehdi GhezaliMore
Awards: Festival Award
Form: Feature
Classification: Allowed from age 11 More
Country: Sverige, Danmark, Finland, Norge
Production company: Atmo Media Network KBMore
Distributor in Sweden: Folkets Bio ABMore
Swedish release: 2006-02-10

CAST / Medverkande:
Mike Moss
Mehdi Ghezali (far till Guantánamofången Mehdi Ghezali)
Pierre-Richard Prosper
Charles A. Heimbold, Jr.
Donald Rumsfeld
George W. Bush
Barry Johnson
Adolph McQueen
Jamal al-Harith
Chris Sherwood
Geoffrey Miller
Glenn MacDonald
Michael Ratner
Torin S. Nelson
Janis Karpinski
Robert Fisk
Lazar Irinel
Nicu Olteanu
Andrew Flynn
Rick Baccus
Usama bin Laden
Saddam Hussein
Vanessa Redgrave
Lynndie England
Tarik Saleh intervjuare
Erik Gandini intervjuare

Colour system: Colour
Width: 35mm
Frames per second: 24
Language: Engelska, Svenska
Comments: Inspelningsformat: Super 16 mm + DVCam.

Production Company:
Atmo Media Network KB, Stockholm
Götgatan 9
116 46 Stockholm
08-462 26 90

Co-Production Companies:
Zentropa Entertainments7 ApS, Köpenhamn
Sveriges Television AB, Stockholm
Yleisradio Ab/Finlands Svenska Television, Helsingfors

Advance allocations:
Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet, Stockholm (2005), ((utökat förhandsstöd))
Det Danske Filminstitut, Köpenhamn (2005)
Nordisk Film- & TV Fond, Oslo (2005)
Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet, Stockholm (2001)

Distributor in Sweden (35 mm):
Folkets Bio AB, Stockholm (2006)

Films Transit International Inc., Montreal, Quebec, ((worldwide sales och distribution))
252 Gouin Boulevard East
H3L 1A8 Montreal, Quebec
+1 514 844 3358

Festival Award (Auxerre) 2006
Krister Linder (pris för bästa filmmusik i TV-klassen, European Soundtrack Council, Auxerre, Frankrike)

Festival Award (Bryssel) 2006
(bästa film/best film, Festival of Liberties, Bryssel, Belgien)

Festival Award (Miami) 2006
(juryns specialomnämnande/special Grand Jury mention, Miami International Film Festival, USA)

Festival Award (Seattle) 2006
(bästa dokumentär/best documentary, Seattle International Film Festival, USA)

Fuente / Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.sfi.se/en-gb/Swedish-film-database/Item/?itemid=60576&type=MOVIE&iv=Basic
Updated by Thierno DIA, 10 May 2024


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